Our Services

First Services and Solutions specializes in vacation rental cleaning. Our job is to leave your property "Guest Ready", after our 5-star cleaning & inspection. Yes! We inspect the property after every cleaning and will provide a report with pictures and notes for you to have in your records!   We offer off-site laundry to help the process be more efficient and faster. Please consult our fees.    

Oh, wait a moment... 
there is more!

It’s our job to be there for you when you need a hand  for a small thing, such as:  

● A/C filter replacement,
● Light bulb replacement 
   (if it's at a reachable height),
 β—  Batteries replacement;  
 And more!
We do that for you for FREE. 

No need to call your handyman for that, just keep the supplies access friendly.

Once the issue is noticed during our cleaning, we notify you, and with your authorization, we will handle it.
And more:

We test every large appliance to make sure they are working

It's better for us to find an issue, rather than your guest, right? 

We got you!